
For this month's Services at St Peter's please click here: This Month's services

For Services at St James's Walton D'Eivile: St James's; Walton D'Eivile Services

St Peter's services summary

You will find a warm welcome at St Peter's each Sunday at 10:00 am. There is a toddler area in church, and small children are always welcome among us.   

There is a toilet in church with baby-changing facilities. 

10.00 am Family Communion: our main morning service for all ages is a classic Church of England communion service with hymns and a sermon. It lasts about one hour. 

Connections is relaxed, informal and interactive and meets in the Church Centre at 10:00 on every Sunday. Our aim is to use one hour each week to enjoy being with God together, and to bring our faith into our whole lives, in the way Jesus did. Everyone is welcome. 

More Details: If you require any more details, please contact the Church Office.